Monday, January 25, 2010

Eli's 2 month doctor appt

Eli had his two month doctor appt this morning. His weight is 12 lbs 2 oz which puts him in the 74th percentile. His length is 23.25 inches - 75th percentile and his head circumference is 15.75 inches - 52nd percentile.

I thought it would be interesting to compare him to Ainsley so I looked up her stats - weight 10 lbs 8 oz (50th percentile), length 23.50 inches (90th percentile) and 15 inches (25th percentile).

His coughing seems a little better and he's not puking as much after he eats so we are really happy about that. He's still stuffy (especially at night) but so far it hasn't been anything that we can't manage at home. He received 5 vaccinations today - two shots and one oral. He cried a little but was quite the trooper.

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